Red Eye Technical Services LLP is a tiny little partnership of one person, Rich Byrne. Red Eye manufactures parts for the Honda Valkyrie GL1500 motorcycle, years 1997-2003. The corporate motivation is RAM, not BLING. RAM is military speak for Reliability, Availability and Maintainability.
Red Eye's pricing model is to sell for half of the OEM price, while improving some aspect of RAM over the original part. Usually this boils down to selecting better materials, to get rid of some planned obsolescence.
If your order gets a ridiculous postage assigned to it, and Red Eye forgets to fix it, just send an email to redeye.rich@gmail.com so Red Eye can get it right. It is not our intention to rip you off on postage, but eCrater is pretty bad at estimating postage. eCrater wants to sell only downloadable software, and Red Eye gets to have a store if and only if we put up with the brain-dead postage estimates.